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Code Walkthrough

The codebase is a Turbo monorepo. The most important section is the apps folder, of which we will cover here


We decided to use a serverless architecture of all of our backends, so they are easy to maintain and scale. The servers' handlers are all defined in the apps' serverless.yml file.

The backends all use either query strings or bodies, we parse and validate them using yup, the schemas of which are in the models folders

We use prisma for our database schema, follow the appropriate prisma docs to setup with your database of choice.


This is our serverless implementation of all of the logic needed to receive payments/refunds/onboards from Shopify, and serve our frontends with the data they need. This is deployed in 2 parts


The purple deployment is the server that our frontends immediately communicate with. Purple talks to the transaction-request-serverless to fetch the payment transaction, displays merchant and customer data. It tells shopify when certain actions are completed, and gets initial starting instructions from green.


The green deployment is how shopify talks to our app. This deployment handles the mandatory GDPR webhooks, receives instructions directly from shopify to onboard a merchant, and start a transaction. It also watches customer checkouts to see what products the customer is buying. For payments, shopify tells Green how much a payment is for, and Green makes a pending PaymentRecord for that amount.


This server constructs the actual transaction customers need to sign. There is a single exposed handler pay, which our backend-serverless calls to construct the transaction. The

A transaction request server is an idea coined by Solana Pay. It is used as a component in the Solana Pay Protocol to deliver arbitrary transactions through the scanning of QR codes instead of simple token transfers

We decided to build a transaction request server for a few reasons:

  1. Future proof
  2. Seperation of logic
  3. Reusablility, for example this transaction request server could also be used for something like dialect smart messages.


This server mimics Shopify's behavior through similarly formatted responses and redirects. It also simulates transactions in its /payment handler, either as a test or actual transactions, depending on the boolean test parameter.


The frontends are both built using Next/tailwind/typescript/radix-ui.


This manages all of a merchant's configuration, including onboarding the merchant when they first start, allowing merchants to process refunds (with crypto), view existing crypto payment history, update their settings, and setup their loyalty programs.

M-ui uses zustand for global state management, and the store files all have the various calls made to the backend


This is the Customer's checkout screen, where they can complete their shopify purchase with Solana Pay.

this ui uses redux, and all the backend calls are located in the slice files.